- Location: Douala / CAMEROON
- Security Level: Not specified for security reasons.
In Cameroon's largest sports complex There is a stadium with 50,000 seats.
Stadium Jan 09 -6 February 2022 African Nations upasi.
Cup, Cameroon, Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Ghana, Sudan, Gambia, Gabon, Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt, Comoros, Algeria,24 countries will participate as Zimbabwe, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Cape Verde.
- All the boxes and rooms on the VIP floor where the heads of state can watch the cup tournaments:
Bulletproof aluminum windows are reinforced by applying bulletproof aluminum doors, bulletproof photocell doors and bulletproof glass. - In addition, a Bullet Proof VIP Lounge was built in the bleachers where the President of Cameroon will watch the tournament.