Bullet Proof Vehicle Windows

In our ASGARD Production Facility;

We offer bulletproof glass solutions with a high level of security, unique to every vehicle and purpose.
  • Civil Solutions
  • Military Solutions
  • Marine Solutions
  • Railway Solutions
  • Aviation Solutions
Common Features of Bulletproof Vehicle Glasses We Produced
Asgard bulletproof vehicle windows are resistant to fragmentation grenades and the blast effect of chemical explosives.
We produce bulletproof curved glass in all ballistic standards for all kinds of land, sea and air vehicles.

We produce enamel painted vehicle bulletproof glass with or without screen by screen printing method.

In addition, we produce bulletproof vehicle glasses in the desired color by using glasses of all colors and shades.

We produce comfortable vehicle bulletproof windows using special coatings and filters that absorb solar heat, bright light and harmful ultraviolet rays.

We make a nano coating on each bulletproof vehicle glass we produce. We obtain a perfectly smooth surface by filling the micro surface cavities of the nano-coated glass. Dust and water particles, as well as bacteria-covid derivatives, cannot hold on to the bulletproof glass surface, giving it antibacterial properties.

Bulletproof glasses have a green appearance due to their thickness. In cases where it is not obvious that bulletproof glass is used in the vehicle or it is desired to be hidden, we produce bulletproof vehicle windows using transparent extraclear glasses.
As the solution partner of companies operating in the field of vehicle armoring in many countries of the world, we produce bulletproof glass systems.

Civil Solutions

We produce bulletproof vehicle windows at EN 1063 BR4 - BR7 / NS levels in European standards, according to the purpose and safety level of all land vehicles, marine vehicles, aircraft used in civilian areas.

Sivil Araç Çözümleri

Bulletproof Glasses for Wheeled Land Vehicles

Today, where individual armament is increasing, we travel with thousands of vehicles in traffic. We can be witnesses, parties or subjects to events arising from many simple reasons.
While living with these occurrences, we face many dangers.
If the engine power and equipment are sufficient, we produce high security, thin thickness bulletproof glass for all types of terrestrial vehicles.

Vehicles by Hazard Groups

Official Vehicles - Private vehicles belonging to public institutions, political parties, unions or companies are exposed to armed or bomb attacks.
Company Tools - Various materials, food, medicine, cigarettes, etc. The vehicles of companies that market them are often in danger of armed robbery. Since these types of vehicles carry daily cash collections, this danger will always be present.
Cash Carrying and Transfer Vehicles   - Bank, currency exchange and jeweler's vehicles are often in danger of armed robbery.
Service and Public Transport Vehicles - Private service vehicles, intercity buses, vehicles belonging to sports clubs, party and election vehicles, school, military and security-type service vehicles are frequently the target of terrorist organizations and are attacked with guns/bombs.
VIP Minibuses and SUVs - Especially VIP minibuses and personal jeeps used by government officials, bureaucrats, artists and business people are armed, bombed, etc. is under attack.

Bulletproof Glasses for Boats and Yachts

We serve as a solution partner with shipowners, boat and yacht manufacturers and shipyards.
We manufacture bulletproof yacht windows and Hydraulic Passports, Automatic Sliding Stainless Doors, Pantagraph Doors, Stainless Porthole and Hatch Covers and Stainless-Bullet Proof glass frames in European EN 1063 (BR1-BR4) / NS Ballistic Standard.

According to different security and comfort levels;
  • Convex security yacht windows
  • Safety yacht windows with solar control
  • Seawater, chemicals and corrosion resistant safety yacht windows
  • Soundproof safety yacht windows
  • We produce anti-reflective and anti-reflective safety yacht glasses for clear vision.

Bulletproof Glasses for Railway Vehicles

We serve as a solution partner for the glasses of the railway construction machinery used in the railways, locomotives, wagons and other railway construction machines, the Turkish Ministry of Transport and the maximum safety glass needs of the companies producing vehicles for the railways.
In this context, we produce bulletproof railway vehicle windows in accordance with EN 1063 (BR1-BR4) / NS Ballistic Standard in Europe, for trains in BS EN 15152:2008 and AFNOR NF F151-818 standards, and for wagons and trailers according to UIC 651 standards.

Bulletproof glasses we produce for railway vehicles:
  • Convex security railway vehicle windows
  • Safety railway vehicle windows with solar control
  • Safety rail vehicle windows resistant to corrosion caused by dust turbulence
  • Soundproof safety yacht windows
  • Non-reflective anti-reflective safety railway vehicle windows for clear vision.